Cardboard Revolution is a worker owned design cooperative. We're currently working on numerous exciting projects, with plans for design, development, and publishing.
Why Worker Owned?
Studies show that worker owned cooperatives are more productive, more equitable in their pay, and more likely to offer benefits than traditional business structures.
Additionally, we believe that workers and producers deserve a democratic say in the movement and direction of the organizations in which they provide labor. It's vital to us that everyone involved in the cooperative have an equal voice in what we produce and how we produce it.
How Does It Work?
Unlike traditional publishers, Cardboard Revolution employs a complete profit sharing model between all members. So our designers, artists, consultants, and editors split the profits equally from every product we create. We also make all decisions via a democratic process, using ranked-choice voting among members to make all company decisions, while allowing creative control for designers and artists far surpassing the traditional desiger-publisher relationship.